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  • tax planning advice

Other Business Tax Compliance and Reporting

No matter the size, sector or geographic reach of your business, tax compliance and reporting obligations should be a top priority. However, it can easily feel like you are constantly one step behind when trying to keep up with the latest changes in compliance and reporting requirements. That is why hiring corporate accountants who stay up-to-date on tax compliance regulations can streamline your business model and help you achieve new levels of success.

New rules and regulations are constantly evolving across regional, provincial, federal and international borders. Staying informed of this shifting landscape can be time consuming and confusing, yet failure to do so can result in enforcement actions and fines. Hiring a firm like BBA Accounting Group Inc. to navigate this territory can not only save time but increase efficiency, while shining a spotlight on new opportunities.

Hiring BBA chartered professional accountants gives business owners and managers a powerful advantage by staying ahead of the regulatory curve. This allows for more time spent on other challenges that might be facing your industry or business.

Businesses have a multitude of tax compliance and filing obligations to keep on top of in addition to filing their year-end income taxes. Each business has a unique set of requirements and at BBA, we take the time to get to know exactly what yours are.

We can assist you by understanding and meeting your specific needs. Our clients often hire us to take over many of these tasks on their behalf.

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Here are a few of the more common areas that we assist our clients with:

  • Employee payroll deductions – computing amounts and remitting
  • GST/HST returns, filing and quarterly remittances
  • Provincial Sales Tax (PST) returns and remittances
  • Monthly corporate tax instalments
  • T4 Slip filing (due by the last day of February each year)
  • T5 Slip filing (due by the last day of February each year)
  • T3 Slip filing (90 days after the Trust’s taxation year)
  • T5018 Statement of Contract Payments (for the construction industry)
  • T4A-NR’s and NR4’s for certain payments made to Non-Residents
  • T1134 & T1135 information returns for foreign investments.
  • Worksafe BC (WCB) returns

The complex network of evolving regulations affects businesses of all sizes, and compliance can feel like a shifting target. Trying to keep up with the changes diverts attention away from corporate planning and asset protection. If you are feeling bogged down or frustrated with the time commitment of compliance and reporting, consider giving us a call.

Everyone has an expertise and as a business owner, you should ask yourself if you are using your time efficiently trying to sort through compliance regulation. Perhaps it is time you ask: Is there are better use of your time?

If you have any questions about how corporate accountants can work for your business, contact us. Our team of highly trained professionals can offer personalized and customized services for your business’ unique needs.